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Age Action Calls for Targeted Social Protection Measures to Address Poverty in Older Age

(Wednesday 14 July) As the Pre-Budget Forum is hosted by the Department of Social Protection on Wednesday 14 July,  Age Action is calling for the Government to protect older people from falling into poverty with an increase in the State Pension of €15 per week  and a comprehensive study on the cost of ageing to inform future policy.

Furious not aggrieved: 60-69 year-olds

(Friday 9 July) Age Action has raised the concerns of people aged 60-69 about the vaccination process in place for them with public representatives including the Minister for Health who we have asked to provide clarity on the most efficacious vaccination process for this group and a direct response to concerns about potential discrimination or undermining of equality of outcomes for older people.

Age Action Calls for Commissioner for Older People at the Launch of ICCL's Report Human Rights in a Pandemic

(03 June 2021) Age Action joined the Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL) for the launch of their report Human Rights in a Pandemic to highlight the lived experience of older people in the context of equality and rights.

In a wide-ranging report published by ICCL emergency measures that restricted rights were challenged. The report calls for Government to take account of how the pandemic has affected marginalised people to avoid entrenching inequality as the country reopens.

Age Action's Spring Raffle Winners

Congratulations to the winners of the 2021 Spring Raffle and to all those who supported this year’s campaign. We are so grateful to the many hundreds of people who support us and with your help we raised valuable funds for our advocacy and programmes work with older people.


J Doran
Co Dublin


J O'Sullivan
Co Cork


I Coghlan
Co Dublin

Sellers Prize

U Smiley
Co Dublin

Thank you to all who supported the raffle, this is one of our biggest and most reliable fundraisers, so your support makes all the difference

Fair and Flexible Pensions for All - Next Steps

The STOP67 campaign set out its strategy and policy objectives at a webinar on Wednesday, 28th April.

The STOP67 Campaign hosted the webinar in the wake of the successful campaign to repeal the legislation raising the pension age to 67. With the public consultation of the Pension Commission concluded and the Government awaiting their report, the discussion focused on the opportunity to create a fair and flexible pension system for all that would address income security, adequacy and choice for older people.

Hosted by NWCI, the webinar included inputs from Age Action, SIPTU, Active Retirement Ireland, INOU and SpunOut. Representatives of the main political parties, including Fianna Fáil, the Green Party, Sinn Féin, the Labour Party and the People Before Profit participated iln the webinar aong with a range of other organisations and interested groups.
