Age Action has criticised this morning’s report from the ESRI examining the suggestion that older people should be incentivised to move out of their homes. The organisation said the report ignores the lack of housing options available for many older people.
We're delighted to announce that we are now hiring for four positions at Age Action in Administration, IT and Fundraising, based at our offices in Dublin and Cork.
More than half a million older voters will help decide the make-up of the next government Age Action warned today as the organisation published its 2016 election manifesto. Key priorities include a right to community care, pension reform and a Minister for Older People.
Age Action has described today’s HSE service plan as very disappointing, saying it will do little to assist older people who need long-term care and support.
Age Action has called for the abolition of mandatory retirement ages ahead of a meeting with the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Equality and Defence this afternoon.