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Ageing Better campaign calls for Senior Minister for Older People and a joined-up approach to Ireland’s ageing population

Age Action and Active Retirement Ireland, the country’s leading older people’s organisations with a combined membership of approximately 30,000 people, held a photocall on Monday as part of their ‘Ageing Better’ general election campaign, calling for older people to be placed at the heart of the next government. 

Give A Christmas Gift that Counts!

No matter what age you are, feeling loved and cared for is important to all of us.

But at Christmas, companionship and support from friends and family means even more than usual – which is why feeling you are forgotten about or invisible is even harsher than at other times.

Older people often feel ignored or invisible and the festive season often exacerbates this sense of loneliness and isolation at a time that is synonymous with family and togetherness.

We work hard all year round to help older people face the different challenges that growing older brings, and with your help we want to make sure that no older person feels invisible, isolated or that they just don’t count.

This Christmas we are asking you to just take a moment to remember the older people in your family or community for whom Christmas might be a more difficult time.

By giving them as little as 5 minutes of your time, you can make a huge difference in brightening an older person’s day this Christmas! 

Christmas Raffle Winners

Our annual Christmas raffle draw took place this afternoon, the winners are below.

1st Prize winner €1500

Pius McHugh, Dublin 8

2nd Prize winner €1000

Jim Howlin, Dublin 5

3rd Prize winner €500

Caroline Kilgannon, Sligo

Sellers Prize €100 Brown Thomas voucher

Tom Malone, Cork

Thank you to all who supported the raffle, this is one of our biggest and most reliable fundraisers, so your support makes all the difference.


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